
About Patrick van der Burght

A family brush with cancer and success with complementary therapies motivated Patrick to study naturopathy, various types of bioresonance and building Geobiology. Patrick is director of Geovital International (Outside Europe), is a Geovital instructor, author and international speaker on patient focused radiation protection.
25. May. 2018

Non-metal glass fibre and basalt rock reinforcement for concrete as EMF proof rebar

2018-05-25T08:03:59+02:00 By |Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Nobody should be using metal reinforcement in concrete anymore. Besides increased durability and lower cost, it can prevent hard to fix magnetic field issues due to stray current in the soil. Composite Basalt Rock and Glass Fibre reinforcement for concrete is the way to.

28. Apr. 2018

Video: EMF Radiation presented at the 2nd World Congress on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic, Regenerative, Nutritional and Exercise Medicine

2018-05-02T23:34:49+02:00 By |

Video: Patrick van der Burght presented the subject of EMF radiation as burden to regenerative sleep at the 2nd World Congress on Anti-Aging, Aesthetic, Regenerative, Nutritional and Exercise Medicine, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.