Video Geopathic Stress source can topple homes in Sibratsgfall landslide disaster
Video: Did you know that a source of Geopathic Stress can, in some cases, topple homes? That is what happened in the Sibratsgfall landslide disaster.
Video: Did you know that a source of Geopathic Stress can, in some cases, topple homes? That is what happened in the Sibratsgfall landslide disaster.
Video: The TF2 meter, comparison to the UHS2, 100XE, NFA1000 and NFA30 meters available
Video: The TF2 meter ,is a respected EMF meter, we did a review of its use near street power lines and their magnetic fields.
Video: Patrick van der Burght has a look at the TF2 Trifield gauss meter.
Video: Radiation exposure to homes and shops in Lalor Plaza
Video: Happy new year wishes from GEOVITAL
Video: Not often you get an opportunity to turn a roof mounted transmitter off
Video: Professional help with EMF and Geopathic Stress
Video: Transmission lines near primary school and magnetic field exposure
Video: Halloween: EMF Phone Tower on your house? Twilight Zone tribute