Grand Designs New Zealand Episode 2 Season 2
Hemp house in Taranaki, an innovation of Hemp Technologies and Geovital Academy for Radiation Protection and Environmental Medicine
Hemp blocks used as a environmentally friendly alternative building material
The New Zealand TV series Grand Designs features a home this week in which GEOVITAL shielding products were used to create a healthier environment. This was done through the reduction in exposure to both radiation from nearly mobile phone towers, as well as the common problem of electric field exposure coupling itself onto the bodies of the unknowing sleepers in a bedroom. The home also incorporated Hemp through the involvement of Hemp Technologies of New Zealand and became a very grand design indeed.
‘becoming symptomatic from EMF is the end of long process of exposure and biological changes that happened along the way.’
The need for EMF radiation protection is growing rapidly the world over. An estimated 3-5% of the population has a sensitivity to electronic pollution, meaning it triggers noticeable symptoms. Of course becoming symptomatic from EMF is the end of long process of exposure and biological changes that happened along the way. More people realise this as well and so radiation shielding is both desired preventively as well as a means to create a better living and sleeping environment to reduce or remove symptoms of chronic health issues.
Steve Hewitt demonstrating the undeniable effectiveness of GPA mesh by showing dramatic reduction in body absorption of RF radiation from nearby phone towers and other sources
It is wonderful to see a radiation shielding project from start to finish
As a Geobiologist it is always exciting to see someone’s shielding project through to completion and the Grand Designs episode 2 of season 2 in New Zealand was especially rewarding.
This NZ Grand Designs show is mostly about using hemp as a building material but it also quickly became a shielding issue as well because the owners live near an airport with a very large phone tower approximately 1 Km/0.7 mile away. It was a lot of fun working with the film crew who were very efficient and professional. I found Chris Moller the host a very approachable and interesting person who clearly has a passion for housing architecture that has beauty, practicality and a healthy environment.
GPA Shielding Mesh can be used within walls and ceilings. It can also be used under carpet or within floors.
Just simply walking into the hemp house you can feel an amazing sense of peace, tranquility and it is so quiet, almost like a snug luxurious mountain retreat. This can only have been created by the hemp walls and the EMF shielding, there is literally no other explanation. The owners remarked on numerous occasions about this peacefulness and also about the deep refreshing sleep they both experienced once they had moved in.
I was asked by the owners to do a full Geovital survey half way through the building process and also when the house was completed. I found high levels of high frequency EMF radiation (RF) outside the home which was of course coming from multiple directions but was mostly attributed to a large phone tower nearby. I anticipated a problem from low frequency electric field radiation when the internal wiring would be finished. Electromagnetic radiation from above or underground power lines was not an issue for this building.
Steve Hewitt tests the effectiveness of another shielded building project in New Zealand
(The home shown in this video is not the home shown in Grand Designs but another home. It was partially shielded all over and full shielded in the bedroom.)
GEOVITAL Circuit Cut-off Switch automatically ‘cuts’ the power to a circuit when not being used
Electric field exposure from internal wiring by far the most common problem found in homes
The electric field radiation from electrical wiring, we find to be a big problem in most bedrooms we encounter. This was prevented from affecting people sleeping in the bedrooms of the home, featured by Grand Designs, by using Circuit Cut-off Switches which the owner agreed to install. The film crew took footage of me turning the light switch on and off with the low frequency instrument showing the levels of radiation reducing and increasing accordingly. This indicated well how the Circuit Cut-off Switches stopped the electrical wiring emitting low frequency radiation from the internal wiring in the walls at night.
Demonstrating the effectiveness of shielding should be done assessing the body
Geovital have developed the latest instrument for measuring the body’s exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation, by actually giving indications on how much RF is absorbed by the body from sources like phone towers, wireless routers, mobile phones and airport navigation equipment. This instrument shows this displaying the bodies exposure in microvolt (μV ). It was clearly shown during the Grand Designs filming that there was a very high energy on my body outside the master bedroom of 1450μV. The film crew then followed me walking into the fully shielded master bedroom through a ranch slider and the meter reduced down to about 150μV. When the shielded ranch slider was shut the readings further reduced to about 50μV which is an excellent value and no further cause for concern.
Hemp use in the construction of this home featured on Grand Designs, creates quite and peaceful environment.
The Geovital HF Field Probe uses a graphic display as well as a digital readout for ease of use and our suggested levels for shielding are when body absorption is greater than 100 μV. A bedroom that is shielded and reduces levels down to 50 μV is excellent. Less than 30 μV is ideally what we would like to see. The film crew also followed me around the other bedrooms, showing that the effective shielding was reduced down to 25 μV on my body.
The type of shielding used is Geovital GPA mesh plastered onto the outside of the hemp walls and also fixed above the ceiling in the bedrooms. Geovital T98 shielding paint was used on internal walls of the bedroom and on the eves.
Big misunderstanding that nearly saw the Grand Designs segment have a different ending
During the final filming when the house was finished, there was some debate by the host Chris Moller about the fact that a mobile phone was able to operate inside the shielded bedroom. This highlighted that there is a general misunderstanding among the public that shielding should be absolute. This is not the case. Shielding will bring down the exposure to RF radiation to low levels, when it is of high quality and utilised appropriately, and so creates a healthy environment. A mobile phone only needs a very small amount of signal strength to operate and so it can happen that there still is just enough for it to work inside a shielded area. Geovital shielding products, which were developed whilst using their effectiveness on patients with chronic health issues as the benchmark, are able to reduce the exposure from high frequency RF radiation to very low levels as shown by this Grand Designs episode.
GPA shielding mesh by GEOVITAL is implemented within the building structure and stays ‘behind’ the scenes
‘Radiation shielding is like hearing protection. The harmful noise levels need to be removed but through proper hearing protection you CAN still hear the hammer hit the nail.’
Reasons for shielding this home by the owners was all about minimising their exposure to high frequency radiation at night when they are sleeping because deep sleep is when the body repairs. The importance of the bedroom has been demonstrated time and time again throughout Geovital’s 35 year experience with patients. Not only to reduce the risk of disease but to create a supportive environment to allow the body to heal of disease. Beyond this, proper shielding can also eliminate the symptoms experienced by electro-sensitive people and give them more restorative sleep time in the hope their sensitivity to EMF will reduce.
The owners of this wonderful hemp house in Taranaki showed, during the filming by the Grand Design crew, that they were obviously delighted with their new eco-friendly building; it has everything they wanted by using natural resources in creating a non-toxic, healthy indoor environment which is sustainable, renewable, thermally efficient and proven to be shielded from unseen 21st century electronic pollution.
The broadcast date for this episode is the 2nd of October 2016 at 8:30pm on Channel 3 in New Zealand.
The TV show can also be viewed afterwards on and
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I just watched the show and felt quite enraged at the presenters negative mocking attitude to using Hemp and EMF protection. Dropping all the usual ‘programming’ words like ‘hippies’ ‘ conspiracy theorists’ and almost putting words in their mouths..frustrating to watch. What a stunning home!