INVITE: EMF Radiation Introduction Webinar for South Africa

People in South Africa are concerned about 5G radiation. We’re hosting a webinar for them to explain exactly how deep this danger goes.

Patrick van der Burght is our main English speaking trainer and educates thousands around the world about the subject of EMF radiation that we have been dealing with for near 40 years. Clearly the problem of EMF radiation goes a lot deeper than just 5G mobile telephony.

Patrick will be assisted in this event by 1 or 2 local consultants who trained with him in previous years.

Tuesday, 14th April 2020, 6pm
(South Africa and Central Europe time)
To register, go here now.

2020-04-08T15:05:03+02:00 By |Tags: , , , , , , , |

About the Author:

Sascha Hahnen graduated in several specialities and medical training, is an author, seminar leader and CEO of Geovital – Academy. His motto: “Radiation protection is always a good thing!”

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