Is wireless RF technology driving chronic infections, like candida, fungus, SIBO, IBS and Lyme disease?

Your clean looking bedroom can be a place of RF radiation exposure and very likely relentless electric field exposure from internal electrical wiring

Your clean looking bedroom can be a place of RF radiation exposure and very likely relentless electric field exposure from internal electrical wiring

Is wireless technology driving chronic infections, like candida, fungus, SIBO, IBS and Lyme disease?

Infections kill millions of people every year.  Chronic infections, however, are widespread and most health professionals agree that everyone has them.  Most if not all autoimmune diseases have a chronic infection as a root underlying cause (see Pubmed). It has now been demonstrated in multiple studies that pathogens are affected by wireless communication systems and other types of electromagnetic radiation.

Bacteria exposed to mobile phone and Wi-Fi radiation become resistant to antibiotics. The overuse of antibiotics is definitely a factor as well. The study linked above shows that changing the electromagnetic environment is ALSO a primary contributor to antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Wireless technologies also cause the proliferation and multiplication of fungi, yeast, viruses, and mold. (see, Pubmed and another abstract on Pubmed)

Dr. Klinghardt, a holistic German trained medical doctor who practices in Seattle, is a world renown expert on chronic infections including chronic Lyme Disease.  His clinical experience with patients demonstrates that he has witnessed the impact of EMF stressors on his patients who struggle with chronic infections:

Applying shielding paint T98 of Geovital with a roller is easy to do.

Applying shielding paint T98 of Geovital with a roller is easy to do.

“I personally suspect that the exposure to electromagnetic fields in the home and the microwaves from cell phone radiation are driving the virulence of many of the microbes that are naturally in us, and makes them aggressive and illness producing. Shielding patients from EMFs has been a more successful strategy to treating Lyme disease and to get people neurologically well than any of the antibiotics or any of the antimicrobial compounds.”

~Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD

Biotoxins cause the offending symptoms of infectious disease

It’s not just humans that are inundated with these foreign man-made frequencies that are affecting our organs and tissues biologically. Microbes inside of us perceive them as an attack and are releasing biotoxins as a defense mechanism.

We know that pathogens themselves are not what make people ill besides using up nutrients. It is the biotoxins that the microbes create that cause the offending symptoms of infectious disease (acute or chronic).  Biotoxins drive inflammation in the circulatory system.  They stress the liver.  When the liver is stressed it is unable to clear as many toxins or produce healthy bile to help digest fats because digestion is a parasympathetic (rest and digest) process as opposed to sympathetic (fight or flight).  When fats are undigested you not only develop a deficiency of fatty acids but the large globules also stress the fragile intestinal villi which can contribute to intestinal permeability (also known as “leaky gut“).  When the gut is “leaky” that means any microbes or biotoxins in the gut can make their way into the bloodstream and be a primary cause of chronic infection anywhere in the body.

Medication, as well as nutritional supplementation, is of course powerless to address environmental burdens to health

Medication, as well as nutritional supplementation, is of course powerless to address environmental burdens to health

When it comes to Biotoxins and EMF, could it be true that:

  • as our electromagnetic environment changed that our micro-biome just didn’t accept it?
  • Could it be that instead, an immune defense was mounted because of biotoxins being released, which then would lead to a poor environment for a community of beneficial microbes to live in?
  • Could it be that infections already present, were made worse by these frequencies also instigating biotoxin defense mechanism release from opportunistic viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites?

How important does this make addressing your home EMF environment
where you sleep for 1/3 of your day and 1/3 of your life?

In my wellness practice I have witnessed incredible and drastic improvements the same week that shielding is put in place.  The painful digestive symptoms subside.  Probiotics begin to work the way they should.  Energy levels return.  People even get off coffee without even trying.  Every protocol seems to work better.  The improvements have exponential holding power. Nutritional supplementation and even some prescriptions (with the help of their supportive doctors) can be reduced or eliminated.

A good nice sleep is where the body can work well to rest and restore.

A good nice sleep is where the body can work well to rest and restore.

I seek to have the highest integrity in my wellness practice.  One way I do that, is by being up front with people about all of this.  I believe that shielding from man-made radiation like this should be a FIRST step. Not something you should do down the road.

Why should shielding against radiation be the first step in working to recover good health?

It’s because your body needs a stress-free environment to repair and rejuvenate at night. The tissues and structures of the body cannot recover adequately during sleep if there are constant electric fields and voltage going through the nervous system stimulating a cortisol response. Cortisol is antagonistic to the detoxifying and tissue repairing sleep hormone, melatonin.  When cortisol is high, melatonin is low and vice versa.

The radio frequencies from cell towers and Wi-Fi disrupts melatonin production just as artificial light does (see Pubmed).  Magnetic fields and geopathic stress distort the movement of metals in the body (See Pubmed). It doesn’t take much magnetism to move a tiny particle of metal at a receptor site of a tiny cell. It actually has a drastic affect on the way each cell functions.  Add to this the evidence that the microbes and pathogens inside of us view this radiation as stressors and mount a massive defense against our immune system because of it.

Shielding a bedroom against RF gives the immune system the home court advantage

The human body never had this type of exposure for most of human history.  Microbes and pathogens were not exposed to these frequencies either.  Shielding bedrooms from the 4 primary exposures from high frequency, low frequency magnetic, low frequency electric, and geopathic stress gives our immune systems the home court advantage.  In a sense we are returning to the environment of our ancestors and aiding our immune systems in functioning the way that they were always meant to function when fighting these pathogens.

If you are interested in a Home Health Assessment and would like me or another consultant to come and evaluate your home or office space please don’t hesitate to contact us.  Many of us travel quite a bit and you might just catch us while we are in town.

We only put in solutions that are proven to work in accordance with our experiences at Geovital’s 35 year running Naturopathic and Environmental Medicine Clinic and in our own experience as health and wellness practitioners who work with people in improving their health.

I’d be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you have. Feel free to leave a comment or question below.

Brian Hoyer, NTP, GG



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About the Author:

Brian Hoyer is an established complementary health practitioner, specializing in nutritional therapy, kinesiology and other modalities. Brian is also a US based Geobiologist and available for home assessments along the Pacific region.


  1. angela 25/08/2017 at 4:11 pm - Reply

    Hi – you say that a house should be shielded against 4 primary exposures from high frequency, low frequency magnetic, low frequency electric, and geopathic stress. How do you shield from geopathic stress?

    • Brian Hoyer, NTP, GG 28/08/2017 at 10:07 pm - Reply

      Hi Angela!

      We have an innovative way of dealing with geopathic stress that involves Radiation Shielding Mats we place under the sleeping location and strategically placed in 1 or 2 daytime areas in the house to provide full coverage. We have both building mats that can be placed within the flooring or above ground mats that would simply go beneath the bed or another piece of furniture (no metal can be above the mats).

      With these solutions we need to do an in person assessment of the home so that the proper strength mats are put in place. There are some locations that could be too strong to shield against. This is rare but it does happen. In those cases the recommendation is to change sleeping locations or move. When we recommend products we need to be sure they work optimally.

      Thanks for the question!

      • angela 29/08/2017 at 1:29 pm - Reply

        Hi – where can I read more about these radiation shielding mats for geopathic stress? I’ve never heard of such a product, only about dowsing. Would the mats go in the lowest floor of the house, for example the basement? And what do you charge for an in home assessment for the mats?

        • Brian Hoyer, NTP, GG 29/08/2017 at 1:44 pm - Reply

          Each consultant sets their own fees for consultations. Geovital has information on the mats here:

          The placement of the mats depends on what is found and where the bedrooms are located since different mats are used for daytime and sleeping areas.

          I’d be happy to email you a quote on what my fee would be after getting information about your home, location, etc. if I can’t help you we may be able to find someone who can and is nearby.

  2. Lydia Smith 14/08/2017 at 7:12 pm - Reply

    Great information, thank you! Is there anyone in Australia (New South Wales-NSW) that can do an assessment on my premises?

    • Patrick van der Burght 15/08/2017 at 8:38 am - Reply

      Dear Lydia, thank you for your comment. You can find the consultants in Australia via the following link. We have several consultants listed and all are keen to travel (or may already have travel plans and come near you), so just reach out to one or two via their profile and discuss the opportunity to come help you investigate your home. We also have a few affiliates that are not listed on the site, so also feel free to contact our Australian office for assistance.
      We are hosting a few talks in September and October 2017 in AU and NZ to educate about EMFs and explain our mattresses. You can find that information here:
      Kind regards

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