Shielding mats – under bed type

Shielding mats – under bed type 2016-10-14T23:53:02+02:00
  • Strahlenschutzmatte

Protection against excesses of natural radiation – Geopathic Stress (water veins, fault lines, grid lines, …)

With the Geovital ‘geopathic stress’ protection products the problem of natural health burdens (water veins, grid lines, tectonic disturbances…) is easily addressed. Our system has proven to be a effective over the last 25 years.

The burden of grid lines (geopathic stress)

Grid lines are a health burden

Your protection starts with an assessment by a certified Geovital Geobiologist to determine which types of geopathic stress are present and their strengths. This information is documented and archived.

GEOVITAL does not offer geopathic stress solutions to clients without an assessment of the situation!

Shielding mats have a 3-month satisfaction guarantee, enabling mats to be trialled, and the mats can be returned if you don’t think it helping you (conditions apply). There is a high satisfaction rating, with returns globally being only 2% annually and this is mainly in November and December.


» Contact your local office to purchase 


Protection against

  • water veins
  • fault lines
  • tectonic disturbances
  • Hartmann lines
  • Curry lines

Particulars of the Shielding mats

  • No instruction is necessary—just place it under the bed, under you.
  • Protection works without power supply (i.e. electricity-free)
  • completely maintenance-free

Please note when using/applying

  • Function is reduced by contact with metal or having metal too close (pieces longer than 15 cm)
  • Effective shielding area: approximately 40 cm beyond mat width (A double bed requires 2 mats!)
  • Effective shielding height: approximately 2.20 to 2.40 metres, depending on the intensity of the radiation
  • Vacuum the shielding mat every 3 months

Radiesthetic protection measures are based on either protection by natural materials such as cork, or on attenuation of ambient radiation by creating a biological oscillation. The first method has always failed to provide more than a temporary effect. Geovital has achieved better results using interference shielding, since different wavelengths can be created which correspond to the problem situation needing to be addressed. Other manufacturers have usually failed to address this issue properly in their protective devices–the wavelengths their devices produce do not correspond to the human biological frequency.

Geovital uses counter-oscillating circuits in shielding mats to prevent the build-up of radiation. The oscillation frequency can be measured by means of Dippfunction and their effects can be biologically measured using Vegatest, Prognos, electro-acupuncture (EAV), Bio-feedback and Kinesiology. The action of the mats can also be verified by using copper L-rods. All of these test measures give users of Geovital’s shielding mats confidence that they actually do work. In fact, these solutions have been delighting clients for decades!


  • Type III – ‘standard strength’ protection range: 400 – 2800 stimulation factor
  • Type IV – ‘high strength’ protecion range: 2800 – 3800 stimulation factor
  • Exurine – ‘against bedwetting’ protection range: 2800 – 3800 stimulation factor
  • Satellit – day time areas’ protection range: 400 – 3800 stimulation factor
  • Building mats – ‘for submersion within or under floors’ protection range: 400 – 3800 stimulation factor


Type III, Type IV & Exurine – 180 x 75 x 3 cm


    Geobiological investigation of your home

    The Geobiological investigation forms the basis for every technical/physical change made to a room. Through this analysis, burdens are discovered that may affect your body and your health. These can then be appropriately addressed with protective solutions.