Unique and innovative mattress solutions for healthier sleeping

The vitality of waking up refreshed after a proper regenerative sleep will benefit your whole day.
Born out of pure necessity
Mattresses proved to be a big health burden in our investigation of the bedroom environments of our patients. We tested near 600 different mattress types and were not able to find one suitable to be recommended to our patients. We wanted a mattress that was / had:
- antistatic
- an open structure for plenty of air flow and oxygenation to the skin (an important breathing organ)
- no metal as it attracts or make radiation exposure worse
- removable cover so it can be washed, and
- it had to meet with our anti-intolerance goals for which we tested with muscle testing, electrodermal testing and electroacupuncture
After a fruitless search… we researched what materials would meet with all our requirements and started making our own.
Have you ever bought the same mattress twice?
For over 25 years the PHYSIOLOGA (GEOVITAL) mattresses have been delighting their owners and we pride ourselves that so many purchases are may via recommendations from the people that own one already. A mattress life time should not extend past 10 years, when for hygenge reasons (you loose skin cells etc. into a mattress during use) it is time for a new/fresh one. The fact that we get so many people repurchasing our mattress after 10 years, is a great sign. Have you ever bought the same mattress twice? Or has it been a disappointment in the end and you tried your luck elsewhere?
This time you should select a mattress that was made to be part of an environmental approach to restore health.
You can select and investigate the mattress models in the menu to the top right, or ask your health practitioner, GEOVITAL consultant or Building Biologist for details.

Our mattress production in Sulzberg, Austria, is a relatively slow process due to the non-toxic eatable adhesives we use that take days to dry.
The GEOVITAL mattresses are, and our intention is that they always will be, MADE IN AUSTRIA. Our natural health clinic and environmental medicine academy buildings also house our production of our amazing mattresses that are promoted and supported by health practitioners, home health consultants and bedding stores alike.
Have a look in the video below and skip ahead to 8 minute and 30 seconds, to see our mattress production area and hear an explanation about these amazing mattresses.
Start-to-finish practical examples of Geobiology
- Phone tower and stress-induced cardiomyopathy 2016-10-14T23:53:40+02:00
- No rest in retirement home of monastery 2016-10-14T23:53:40+02:00