Cot mattress – biologically neutral

Cot mattress – biologically neutral 2016-10-14T23:52:53+02:00
  • Cot mattress by Geovital - Biologically neutral

Your child deserves to sleep free of radiation, static charge, chemicals and toxins; don’t you think?

Why Geovital makes mattresses?

Babies need healthy mattresses too for the best start in life.

Babies need healthy mattresses too for the best start in life.

Most mattresses are made cheaply and marketed expensively with little regard for long-term health. Most manufacturers certainly do not go into the finer health issues like radiation attraction by mattresses, static charge build-up or intolerance to toxins in mattress materials.

Research in mattress materials and the resulting intolerance issues, prompted Geovital to test nearly 600 types of mattresses to find one they could recommend to their patients. Unable to find any that met our stringent criteria, we then researched and designed our own.

Now, 20+ years further on, our mattresses are still unsurpassed; the health issues they address are even more important now due to our changing environment.


» Contact your local office to purchase 


What is so special about this cot mattress?

Mattresses have so many things wrong with them
Among the problems are chemicals and toxins used in the materials. Then there are the problems associated with ‘natural’ materials like latex and horsehair which don’t energetically agree with many people or that they have intolerances for. From the radiation side of things, spring cores attract low and high frequency radiation to the sleeper. And perhaps of greatest concern is the fact that most bed materials start vibrating in resonance with the high frequency radiation, producing a static charge which builds up to alarming proportions.

All of these issues are addressed in our mattresses by means of:

  • a special non-toxic foam in which carbonated water is used to make all those little bubbles instead of chemical propellants,
  • non-toxic (edible) glues used
  • Antistatic properties
  • A removable cover that is washable! And made from TENCEL which was found in testing to be great for asthma sufferers and people with skin issues.

Reinforced edging
Our Cot mattress also has a well thought out reinforcement (firmer foam) down both sides to withstand harsh treatment from those toddlers who are able to stand up and pace up and down along the edge of their cots.

Our mattress production in Sulzberg, Austria, is a relatively slow process due to the non-toxic eatable adhesives we use that take days to dry.

Our mattress production in Sulzberg, Austria, is a relatively slow process due to the non-toxic eatable adhesives we use that take days to dry.


The GEOVITAL mattresses are, and our intention is that they always will be, MADE IN AUSTRIA. Our natural health clinic and environmental medicine academy buildings also house our production of our amazing mattresses that are promoted and supported by health practitioners, home health consultants and bedding stores alike.

Have a look at the English-spoken facility tour of our video in our Video Collection, under the General Videos tab. At 8:30 minutes you see where our mattresses are made and why they are so different.


Geovital can make mattresses of any size, but the two most commonly found cot sizes are:

  • 131cm x 75cm x 12cm, or
  • 130cm x 69cm x 12.5cm

Our cot mattresses are fitted with a TENCEL cover (like our adult mattresses) and the zipper allows for its removal and washing.


Recommended accessories:

  • Geopathic stress shielding mat
  • Geobiological home and bedroom assessment
