There are some homes that even we can’t fix.
Let us help you avoid buying a nightmare instead of a dream home.
A home should protect the health of the whole family.
A home should protect the health of you and your family. It should not be a place that taxes your wellbeing and potentially harm your reproductive potential.
Every home is affected by radiation to some degree, whether that be from man-made energies (electrostress) or excesses of natural radiation (geopathic stress). The problem confronting us today is that in too many homes the radiation, although at levels far below limits set by government, is affecting our health, our vitality, immunity and fertility according to much research. Additionally, some types of radiation (electromagnetic fields from power cables) cannot be shielded against and while we can help you improve your home, purchasing a house with this problem is potentially an unfixable problem.
If you are looking at building, then the block of land you are looking to purchase should be investigated. You don’t want to build a home on a property that has unfixable EMF problems.
Power cables running up and down the street, even underground, can cause similar problems as the big high voltage power lines.
Buy or build your home with as few surprises as possible.
Before you sign on the dotted line, check for radiation!
You would not buy a house without a pest inspection… You would likely do a structural building report… But what about your wellbeing? Should you not make sure that your home supports your wellbeing and that of your family rather than detracts from it? Is this not its most important function? Buying a home is a major change in anyone’s life. Let’s make sure it is a good change.
What does a pre-purchase radiation inspection include?
Our consultants offer two types of pre-purchase inspections:
The aim of a basic pre-purchase radiation inspection is to answer the question: Should we buy this property, or should we walk away from it? (in our opinion) In answering this question, we need to consider that many homes have radiation issues that need to be addressed. However, they can usually be addressed very well and there is no great need to walk away from a property when excess radiation is found. If you walked away from every home that had these problems, you would basically be looking for a home that has already made Geovital improvements!
The thing that would stop you purchasing a property would be radiation of a type that cannot be shielded against. So, the all important focus in the basic assessment is on radiation which cannot be addressed by shielding. This type of radiation is ‘unfixable’ and it comes from sources like power cables running past and to the property, the meter box, solar panels and inverters, etc. Detecting and measuring the unfixable radiation is the most important information for you to decide whether to purchase the property or walk away.
Your consultant may also take some quick measurements for the shieldable types of radiation, but will not investigate further to work out the best approach to deal with them. That will require an investigation with a different focus at another time. However, he may be able to tell you whether or not these types of radiation were found in the home at the time of the basic assessment.
Assistance is not required
Ideally, our consultants have access to the property to allow some measurements to be taken inside as well. The vendor and the real estate agent are normally very keen to allow you to use the services of our Building Geobiologists. To them it means you are one step closer to purchasing, and you are obviously viewing this property seriously. The agent or the vendor can let the consultant in or they may provide a key. If access is not available, the consultant can still measure the most important aspects by walking the perimeter of the property and around the dwelling, if one is present. Your assistance or the assistance of another person onsite is not needed.
If it seems like a good buy, can you turn a basic inspection into a comprehensive inspection?
The time needed for a comprehensive inspection is far greater than for a basic inspection. You can always ask but it is better to organise this in advance because without prior notice the agent or vendor may be unable to provide access and your consultant will most likely have allocated his or her time for the remainder of the day.
Effectively, you want to have a ‘shopping list’ by the end of the inspection so you know exactly what needs addressing and what products you need to order so you have them ready for settlement day. This way, you can arrive in your new home with all the needed products and implement them straight away on the first day. With your radiation protection improvements done, you can start decorating the house.
Electricians are often called upon to make the desired changes the Building Geobiologist recommends.
The focus is on radiation which cannot be addressed, followed by a detailed analysis of the more commonly found types of radiation and the formulation of a strategy to address them.
A typical comprehensive pre-purchase inspection includes:
- Assessment of LF electromagnetic radiation from power cables: We would typically walk the perimeter of the property to discover any underground radiation producing cables as well as around and inside the dwelling.
- Assessment of high frequency (HF) radiation in the bedrooms from mobile phone towers, smart meters, wireless signals, etc. to determine if shielding is indicated.
- Assessment of LF electric field exposure in the bedroom and on the beds, if present. This is followed by a detailed analysis of the circuits to identify the ones that need to be guarded by circuit cut-off switches.
- Assessment of geopathic stress in the bedrooms to determine if shielding is required and its strength.
Expected time frame: 1.5 to 2.5 hours.
Assistance required
The consultant will need to have access to the property so he can take measurements inside and conduct testing. During testing, a second person is needed onsite. Ideally, this would be the person who has requested the assessment so that person can also witness the consultant’s findings. The agent or vendor could assist, but they are unlikely to give two hours of their time in addition to providing access. Arrangements could be made to have a friend or relative meet the consultant onsite to provide the needed assistance, or if need be, the consultant can organise a second person but there may be a cost for this.
Good health and regenerative sleep assists you to live life to the fullest.
You cannot afford not doing a pre-purchase inspection.
The cost of a pre-purchase inspection is small in relation to the purchase of your home or the potential cost to your family’s wellbeing if you purchase a home with ‘unfixable’ radiation issues.
There is often urgency when it comes to home buying; we understand this. Contact us and keep us posted on your needs and timing requirements.
We look forward to assist you.
Start to finish practical examples of improvements being made
- Phone tower and stress-induced cardiomyopathy 2016-10-14T23:53:40+02:00
- No rest in retirement home of monastery 2016-10-14T23:53:40+02:00