Transmitter radiation

22. Jun. 2014

Seven-fold increase in brain cancer likelihood

2020-02-18T22:13:28+01:00 By |Tags: , , , , , , |

The Swedish research group led by Professor Hardell evaluated the latest data on the effects of mobile phone radiation on the brain (1). This showed an up to 7.7 times increase in the risk of brain tumor development. Professor Hardell also states that mobile phone radiation should now be classified higher than "possible carcinogenic" and be raised to "carcinogenic".

02. Jun. 2014

Mobile phone towers reduce value of real estate

2020-02-18T22:13:00+01:00 By |Tags: , , , , , , |

A 50 per cent reduction in value is not uncommon when there is a mobile phone tower in the neighbourhood, or on the actual roof of the property. Many of us, who look upon investment in real estate as an alternative to a savings account, may, often years later, be confronted with the erection of a mobile phone tower.

14. Jan. 2014

Timber construction – building biologically great – electrobiologically a disaster!

2020-02-18T22:09:58+01:00 By |Tags: , , , , , , |

Timber is a popular building material. Its natural, controls the climate, stable and resilient. A building material that man has used for thousands of years to put a roof over his head and which gave this 'homey feel' to a house.

16. Nov. 2013

Phone tower and stress-induced cardiomyopathy

2020-02-18T22:09:14+01:00 By |Tags: , , , , , |

Mrs Z. had been suffering for some time from stress-induced cardiomyopathy (broken heart syndrome), a type of atrial fibrillation (heart irregularity/arrhythmia), along with high blood pressure and a continuous tingling sensation in the legs and toes. Mr Z. complained of back pain and problems with his knee.