
19. Apr. 2016

Symptom development from exposure to radio frequency RF fields from wireless smart meters in Victoria, Australia

2016-10-14T23:53:12+02:00 By |Tags: , , , , , , , |

In 2006 the government in Victoria, Australia, mandated the roll-out of electricity smart meters across the state. On the basis of collated information, a case study was commenced that evaluated the types of symptoms that Victorian residents were developing from exposure to wireless smart meters.

18. Dec. 2015

Doctors and health practitioners warn against electrosmog (EMF)

2016-10-14T23:53:16+02:00 By |Tags: , , , |

Ten years ago, out of concern for the health of their fellow man, doctors warned their colleagues, the public and those responsible for health care and politics about electrosmog with the ‘Freiburger Appeal’. Their appeal, that urgently warned against the dangers of wireless transmission radiation (electrosmog) has once again been renewed.