Water vein

24. Dec. 2014

First snow in Sulzberg reveals water veins in the landscape

2016-10-14T23:53:23+02:00 By |Tags: , , , , , , , , |

On the way back to Sulzberg, which was now covered in clouds, we were treated to a spectacular display of water veins in the snow covered meadows. There where the grass remains visible an underground water vein is present at a depth of about 1.5 to 2 meter.

30. Sep. 2014

Cancer cells are radiation seekers

2020-02-18T22:14:44+01:00 By |Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Unless the situation is addressed, the person gets back into the same bed and the exposure resumes. The situation is detrimental to the patient; particularly so, if electronic pollution from internal wiring and radiation from transmitters is showered over them as it was before. The whole thing starts all over again.

26. Jul. 2014

Radiation seekers – radiation avoiders

2020-02-18T22:14:01+01:00 By |Tags: , , , , , , |

Nature is often astonishing: what one thrives with, another will suffer by. Certain plants as well as humans, are radiation avoiders. Radiation avoiders will avoid disturbance areas as it deprives them of energy, causing cell and tissue changes and therefore they get sick.

18. Sep. 2013

Pros and Cons of moving the bed

2016-10-14T23:53:34+02:00 By |Tags: , , , , , |

In traditional and modern Geobiology, when geopathic stress (GS) is found, the subject of ‘moving the bed’ is often raised. It is interesting that when asked about the subject of geopathic stress, every person, no matter if they are ill or healthy, promptly suggests the repositioning of the bed as a possible counter measure.