Timber construction – building biologically great – electrobiologically a disaster!

Timber is a popular building material. It’s natural, stable, resilient and maintains the indoor climate. It is a building material that man has used for thousands of years to put a roof over his head and give a ‘homey’ feel to a house. People in mountainous and alpine regions especially, have always been taught to appreciate this natural building material which exudes a natural warmth on cold days and helps to keep the feet warm due to its poor thermal conductivity.

What is wrong with this building material?
Why would it be electrobiologically bad?

Stromleitungen im Holzbau sind problematisch

Electrical wiring and timber framing is a problem.

With the introduction of electrification in the 18th century, AC power entered apartments and houses. Initially it started slowly, as it was costly, but after the Second World War it became the standard in every home. The demand for electricity increased with society’s demands for comfort. After lighting, power was desired by housewives in the kitchen for cooking and the basement for laundry purposes. In the 60s, the era of consumer electronics began. TV and hi-fi systems found their way into nearly all homes and the first video players were developed. In the 80s, manufacturers of telephone equipment introduced more features and comforts such as the fax machine. In the 90s, designer lamps came along. Computers and electric garage doors were added in the 2000s.

Today a life without electricity is no longer conceivable. From electrically-controlled blinds to the front doorbell, from bath heating to the induction stove… everything works electrically.

As we now know, alternating current / electronic pollution is one of our biggest triggers for health problems. Humans are just not designed for this technology (see Radiation protection – Sense of nonsense?).

Basically, timber is a poor conductor. Timber behaves well as a building material but it is hygroscopic–timber tends to absorb water from the air in its surroundings. The higher the humidity in living spaces, the more moisture is in the timber. In general, the residual moisture in a living room of timber construction lies in the range of approximately 10 to 18 per cent.

Due to residual moisture, the AC electric fields are stored in timber beams and wood and cannot get away because it is not grounded. If a person is now positioned in the immediate vicinity, this person is the better exit point and is thus connected to these AC fields. A house made of concrete with grounded reinforcement would not cause this effect.

If the house is largely or completely made of timber, this ‘current transfer’ effect would be happening throughout the entire building! The people living in this house would be experiencing constant storms of current and massive doses of electronic pollution.


Geobiologische Erklärung im Neubau

Geobiological explanation in a newly built home

Are there solutions?

Thankfully, there are solutions! It would be unthinkable if we were no longer able to use beautiful timbers. Just as technology has evolved, so to has radiation protection.

Since the 80s, there has been shielded cable. Since the 90s, there has been efficient shielding. And since the 2000s the concept of building health has made its introduction into house plans.

Shielded cables minimise low frequency electromagnetic fields by 80 to 90%. In addition to this the correct placement of circuit cut-off switches may be needed to protect walls and flooring.

The ‘Alpha and Omega’ is however, correct planning; this is what determines whether success is achieved or not. It does not suffice to just read up on the subject and proceed with a ‘We’ll do that….’ attitude.  Without proper planning, you could sink a lot of money into the project and measurable results could be disappointing.

When you want to do it right, you need to engage a professional who will work with you and your architect to uncover the mistakes in the design. This way you will have a lot more enjoyment from your timber home and experience the great feeling of living life to the fullest.

If you have questions, please contact the Academy. Our staff will gladly put you in touch with a suitable Geobiologist or Building Biologist.



About the Author:

As Geobiologist and Building Biologist (IBN) Dip. Ing. (FH) Klaus Schwärzler has played an important role in the planning of many new buildings in his 18 year experience. He is not only familiar with the illness related side of patients, but knows the technical details and counter measures to create healthier living spaces and lives. His motto: “Only when one has experienced issues and implemented the improvements, do you know what you are talking about…”


  1. Maria 23/05/2022 at 12:22 pm - Reply

    Living in a timber OSB kind of waggon , the builders did put cables all over. My health is getting worse. After one year living in there my sleep is bad, eben I often switch off most fuses, I have repeatedly infections and its jard to concentrate. Pn top ofallthis the waghon is just 100m away from a high voltage line!

  2. ali 27/12/2016 at 7:18 pm - Reply

    I need top wooden 4 cabins extention for my one store house

  3. lyn kinealy 19/12/2015 at 11:25 am - Reply

    i am very interested in seeing your mattresses also interested in 3 day workshop. please return asap thank you

  4. Neubauten Holz 22/01/2014 at 10:27 pm - Reply

    Very interesting article for new buildings out of timber. Much of it I did not know myself. Good thing there are engineers who deal with these problems, because radiation protection is very important for people. Especially in new buildings, since more and more technology enters new properties.

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