UK, Hampshire – Jeremy Jones

Jeremy Jones

Hampshire – United Kingdom

  • Geobiologist
  • Home and bedroom assessments for radiation
  • Pre-purchase inspections
  • Workplace assessments
  • Electronic pollution (EMF,Electrosmog) and geopathic stress
  • Consultation on emf protection and radiation shielding measures
  • Water Revitalisation Consultant

The unpredictable and life shattering neurological affects of epilepsy during my teens, and then years of heavy suppressive medication, left me desperate. It was in a carriage on the Trans-Siberian Railway to China that I happened to have a conversation with a Neurologist who enlightened me to the fact that my medication was only suppressing the symptoms and would never address the cause. I realised right there that I had to find a solution, that I was responsible for my health and that ultimately this came down to choice.

I saw that in order to change my current situation I needed to align my life with health resources that had impeccable integrity. This enquiry began quite simply when I woke and saw through the early morning mist local people practicing T’ai Chi in the park. Something spoke to me about re-connecting with the natural order of life and I have been listening to this ever since.

After a few years and with the practice of T’ai Chi and Shiatsu manual therapy and the study of Macrobiotic cooking I was able to stop medication and was completely free from seizures. This time gave me huge insight and experience and informed my life both personally and professionally which lead to consulting at a brand development level for major corporates such as British Airways, BT, Bank of Ireland and Holiday Inn.

Discovering the ‘GEOVITAL Academy’ and their professional training programme now enables me to provide a screening strategy for the removal of Electromagnetic Radiation; a vital resource for health practitioners, architects, businesses, schools and those who wish to increase their awareness about the on-going detrimental effects of EMR and to learn about effective solutions to optimise their living and working environments.

I look forward to hearing from you and learning how I can help you restore your home and work place to a healthy and nurturing space.


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    I am interested in the follow topic(s): (please tick the box in front of your topic)

    Bedroom and home investigation and consultation of solutionsRadiation protection existing homeRadiation protection home being builtPre-Purchase inspectionNatural health mattressesGeneral product inquiryTrainingWorking with Geovital

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    About the Author:

    Ben Sayward is a Geobiologist and Director of Geovital Academy UK. An existing and Current Solar Power (PV & Thermal) professional with a strong Knowledge on DC and AC power which incorporates well into Geobiology


    1. N. Harris 19/05/2016 at 12:00 am - Reply

      Jeremy is incredibly knowledgable about all things health related,he is also very passionate and enthusiastic, going well above and beyond the remit of his job to ensure that you are fully clued up about what’s going on in your home, as well as the best ways to protect yourself from unwanted electrical intrusions. I also greatly appreciated that he didn’t try to sell me anything, but instead showed me simple, free ways to make big changes in my home environment. I now switch most of the electrical circuits running in my home off at night, and the house feels significantly more peaceful and calm as a result. I am very glad that I went ahead and booked a session with Jeremy.

    2. Francesca Longrigg 14/05/2016 at 3:06 am - Reply

      I am an actress and musician, and have been feeling a few tweaks are needed in my home for a while to keep my creative energy flowing and give us all a better nights sleep. Jeremy Jones came to our house this week and gave an informative, helpful, extremely knowledgeable reading of the different stresses in the environment around us. Nothing was too much trouble and he was extremely careful to make sure I understood the information he gave me. Everything he suggested and mentioned was backed up by rigorous surveying and his extensive knowledge. I intend to implement the changes he suggested, and could not recommend him highly enough . We all thank the company for such a professional and helpful survey.

    3. Teresa Hale 06/05/2016 at 8:07 pm - Reply

      Jeremy visited my home this last March 2016 and carried out
      a home health assessment which I found extremely interesting, he was
      able to show me how much electrical smog there was around my sleeping
      area along with where the global grid lines and knots were positioned.
      I am in the middle of redecorating my home and will be using the insights from this
      survey to make the necessary adjustments to reduce these disturbances.
      I shall be recommending Jeremy to the practitioners at the Hale Clinic as I feel these issues are of growing concern to anyone looking to improve their health and the health of their home.

      Teresa Hale
      Founder of The Hale Clinic
      7 Park Crescent, London, W1B 1PF

    4. Mark Lester 20/04/2016 at 4:05 am - Reply

      My name is Mark Lester and I am the director and owner of the The Finchley Clinic Ltd. Although I work primarily with nutritional therapy these days, my background as a therapist has been largely around various types of electro-magnetic therapies such as electro-crystal therapy, Rife machines, and other pulsed EM field therapies. Working with these types of therapies, I have obviously long been aware of the fact that the WRONG types of EM fields such as from mobile phones, microwave ovens and so on are not healthy, and indeed undermine our health right down to our core DNA. However unlike (as was further corroborated today from meeting Jeremy), I am not an expert on that side of the coin.

      Today after being taken very patiently through a number of tests with Jeremy, I learnt through rigorous and incontrovertible demonstration using scientific instruments how my health is being continuously undermined by harmful electrical, and electro-magnetic fields – particularly when I am sleeping, when my DNA is supposed to be being repaired. I learnt that I was surrounded by a disturbing sea of electrical and electro-magnetic shit (sorry to use such language but there really isnt a better way of putting it). There ARE solutions to this problem. My own company even sells an excellent product for geopathic stress designed to transmute the harmful energies into something less harmful, and I have no doubt (having got positive feedback from customers) that this is vastly better than doing nothing at all. But wouldn’t it be so much better to know where the worst threats are coming from, and if practicable block these fields altogether?

      Previous to my meeting today, I was a big believer in earthing products – though I had to admit since using a grounding sheet in bed as I have done for some years, I had not personally experienced any of the benefits other people have supposedly reported. Now I know why! Jeremy showed me however beyond reasonable doubt that these things can be counter productive, and I shall no longer be using such devices.

      I would wholeheartedly recommend anyone with a stubborn, serious or puzzling health problem to book an appointment with Jeremy. The solutions may be simple, or they make be difficult and expensive to implement. But it’s better to know, better than moving house (after which you’d probably end up replacing one set of problems with a new set), and is far, far better than being ill!

    5. Johann Kellerer 19/04/2016 at 4:03 am - Reply

      Well, to cut the long story short: After I followed the advise of Jeremy in regards to knock out the electromagnetic fields in my bedroom, for the first time in my life, as far as I can remember, I did sleep 9 hours every day since (so far it was only three days). “Normally”, in recent years, I woke up after 6 or 7. I am 61 years old now and to be able to sleep so long is a unique thing that makes me feel just great and lively again!
      I guess it will come down to about 7 to 8 once I shall have caught up with the missing hours of sleep. But whatever the case might be in the future as to sleep: I know now how much such electro smog can influence one (though I did not believe it earlier) and what do to about it.
      Thanks Jeremy!

    6. Mariamah Mount 10/04/2016 at 10:11 pm - Reply

      When Jeremy came to assess our bedroom, our children (3, aged 10-18) learned quite a bit about these hidden currents our systems deal with all the time. They understand now more than just theoretically, how the radiation and electro-magnetic pulses are not just around them but IN them. They are now quite happy to turn off the electricity in the house at night, and we all notice the difference. Thank you, Jeremy, for your informative, engaging and sympathetic assessment of our house and communication with us about what to do to mitigate it.

    7. Ray 08/04/2016 at 5:15 pm - Reply

      I spoke with Jeremy in March and had a very enlightening conversation. As an electrical and electronic engineer, I am all too aware of the impact electromagnet energy can have on the body. Jeremy’s Home Health Assessment was incredibly interesting and gave me some very interesting information. I am sure that as a society there is much to learn about the impact that our environment has on our health including exposure to electromagnetic forces across the frequency spectrum.

    8. Oliver jobst 08/04/2016 at 4:24 pm - Reply

      i found Jeremy’s survey eye opening. I didn’t know about the effects of high frequency, low frequency and geopathic radiation. He showed us the positions of telephone masts in our area and showed how much high frequency radiation enters our bedroom. Also the low frequency radiation given off by our electric blanket. It was great to learn how to reduce radiation by understanding how it works and turning plug sockets and wifi off at night. We are also looking at blocking high frequency radiation in our bedroom.

    9. Don Mei 07/04/2016 at 11:07 pm - Reply

      One of the most eye opening and useful couple of hours. After assessing our home we were given advice that we could implement instantly which has already improved our sleep and home life and we are much more aware of ways that we can turn our home into a shielded and healthy environment without leaving the 21st Century! Jeremy is informed and passionate and is NOT a salesman that wants you to sign a deal but is genuinely considered in his advice. It is totally worth the cost and I would view it as a must for anyone owning or planning to stay for long rental accommodation.

      I am a Director of AcuMedic Clinic and I will be advising patients to take this opportunity to have a Geovital survey with Jeremy.

    10. Emma & Dan 06/04/2016 at 6:39 pm - Reply

      We are so glad to have had our Home Health Assessment. Jeremy was very good at explaining what everything meant and very impressive with his skills. It feels very different sleeping with the electrical circuits off at night. Peaceful and restorative. It was fascinating to see where the optimal positions were for sleeping. The children have stopped having accidents in their beds and have slept through most nights. We are renting at the moment but for us a Geovital Home Health Assessment will be an essential part of all that goes with buying a property.

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