Video: Free Course Insights EMF & Geopathic Stress assessment mitigation workshop

We often do a short video about our Austrian held EMF radiation and Geopathic Stress assessment and mitigation courses. This time, we thought to give you a far more detailed look inside.

Have a look… pay attention to the people who came before you. In this course, these were creator of the Oura Ring, Petteri Lahtela from Finland, Integrative doctor Caroline Schier from the USA, famous Bulgarian actress Evelina Pecheva and health icon Karliin Brooks from New York, USA. Other attendees came from Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Turkey, Latvia, Ireland, England, Serbia and Italy.

Join us next time in Austria, elsewhere or online.

About the Author:

A family brush with cancer and success with complementary therapies motivated Patrick to study naturopathy, various types of bioresonance and building Geobiology. Patrick is director of Geovital International (Outside Europe), is a Geovital instructor, author and international speaker on patient focused radiation protection.


  1. Sangeetha Manjunatha 27/02/2021 at 11:22 pm - Reply

    I want to do the course what will be the cost and duration am from India

    • Patrick van der Burght 25/08/2021 at 9:21 pm - Reply

      Hi, we need people in India.
      The current course structure is explained here:
      You can purchase seats in the first module EMF1 and EMF2, here:
      Hope to see you there soon.

  2. kesava chandra utukuri 08/06/2020 at 3:26 pm - Reply

    we want to know geopathic stresses and its remedies

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