When electrosmog spoils sex and libido
Sex was once considered the most beautiful thing in the world. It has the added advantage of keeping us young, fit and healthy. How unfortunate it is then, that overall, sexual attraction is declining in the general population from year to year. This has been well documented since the turn of the century. Those who think that the loss of libido (the natural desire for sex) is something that only happens to people of more advanced age, would nowadays be seriously wrong. Both men and women in their late twenties are reporting a lack of interest in their own sexuality to their doctor or therapist, and even younger people are wondering where their desire for sex has gone.
Libido does reduce from year to year but nowadays, complete lack of sex drive starts as early as the age of 30!!
A couples therapist (Volker van den Boom of Aachen, Germany) has made this observation:
Unfortunately, I have to confirm your observation. Five years ago it was rare for a man to no longer desire sex. I have seen a clear change in this trend since then. More and more men in their early thirties are complaining about a strong and persistent loss of libido. And this absence of desire applies not only to their current partner, but to the whole of their sexuality.
The connection between sex drive and hormones
How the desire for sex arises is a bit unclear. This interplay of hormones, the psyche (mind and fantasy), and metabolism is certainly complex. It is very clear however, that hormones play a very dominant role in this—testosterone in men and estrogen in women. The loss of sex drive has not been explored with the dedication it deserves; it is simply considered a dysfunction or disorder. In the past, it has been easily dismissed as an impotency problem in men and a reduced ability to achieve orgasm in women. These are of course very important issues which are not necessarily linked to any decrease in love for a partner.
The LSD syndrome as it relates to sexuality
That libido decreases with age is generally known, as the hormonal changes that accompany aging lead to a reduced desire for sex. Medication and its side-effects can worsen the situation. But when loss of sex drive occurs in young adults or the middle-aged, determining the cause becomes very difficult indeed. The whole phenomenon has simply been categorised as a syndrome—the LSD syndrome (low sexual desire).
The truth of the matter is that since the 1990s, more detailed and logical information has come forth that helps to explain this issue. Unfortunately, the facts collide with economics and politics and we all know that financial interests take precedence over the health of the populace. Whoever doubts this should question why the crime of rape (the destruction of a life) is punished with a few years in prison while the illegal download of a song/film attracts an equal or longer imprisonment plus a five or six-digit fine. So, this bias towards economics and politics is likely the reason why the real causes of low libido are brushed under the carpet and are not generally understood by people.
Of course it is relatively easy to sweep ‘lack of libido’ under the carpet. Ask yourself this question for example: Even though we apparently live in modern, enlightened, emancipated and spiritually open times, have you ever openly talked about sex with your friends in more than a general way where it didn’t include your personal difficulties? Have you discussed with anyone those times when you lacked the desire to sleep with your partner? Who is your confidant when it comes to these issues? Countless couples don’t even cross the boundary to openly discuss with their partner what their own sexual needs and desires are. To ensure anonymity, people now just quickly ask Mr Google. Not getting accurate information is unavoidable when using this approach. People are having to make their own investigations as sexuality is, and remains, a private and touchy subject.
The lack of sex drive and our environment
Yes, we live in a modern age, but it is also one with an inconceivable number of environmental toxins. In Germany alone, the list of allowed chemicals already includes 6000 substances. Of those, only some have adequate risk assessments, which results in a situation that is simply put—FATAL! What is missing are studies into the possible synergistic effects and interactions when these chemicals come into contact with each other. In relation to the issue of absent libido, the interest is mainly on materials that can act as hormones on human biology–so-called environmental hormones. These irritate the endocrine system and disrupt or harm the body’s functioning.
‘Public enemy number 1’ for the libido—pesticides and plasticizers
Examples of such endocrine disruptors (EDCs) are for example, the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) contained in coolants and insulating agents; and of course, the many insecticides and herbicides which function like hormones. Many are now also known to be plastic softeners which can have a profound effect—the so-called Phthalates.
Even the smallest dose affects our desire for sex. But this is not the only concern. Male fertility is also at risk. In addition, there is also a suspected relationship with testicular, prostate and breast cancers. Our drinking water plays a major role in this issue. It is already know that water treatment plants are unable to remove all the impurities with the filtering methods used. Therefore, we find in our drinking water the residue of medicines like the contraceptive pill and antibiotics. Only a short while ago the World Health Organisation (WHO) made an alarming statement around the world that the resistance to antibiotics in the population is increasing at an alarming rate.
Measures that can be taken against environmental hormones
- Pay attention to the origin of your food
- Place your preference on certified organic produce
- Drink only filtered water. This is free of pesticides, environmental toxins and drug residues (Note: ‘Energised’ water without prior filtering is pretty much meaningless.)
- Educate yourself about the possibility and application of regularly detoxifying your body. Healthy, pure water is very important as it enables toxins to be expelled from the body.
‘Public enemy number 2’ for the libido—electronic pollution
The human race seems to have succeeded in electrifying our lives completely and continuously. Just turn off the master switch in your house or apartment and observe what is still working for you. The exposure of the human body and our health to electronic pollution (often referred to as Electrosmog or EMF/Electromagnetic field), as well as the technical shielding or protection against it, is the main subject GEOVITAL concerns itself with. This is the foundation of all our work for patients and other interested persons.
Absolutely everything with regard to human health is connected with regeneration of the cells. Only when regeneration works optimally (i.e. damage is restored through cellular renewal) can the human body live in health. Anyone who has been bedridden due to an illness knows what the quality of life is like when one is ill. Unfortunately, modern living brings with it the impossibility of regenerating optimally or at all! This has laid the foundations for the modern diseases and illnesses of our civilization. Included in that naturally, is the decline sexual desire and activity.
Alternating Current (AC)—the first issue in electronic pollution
A big issue is the low frequency electric and electromagnetic fields radiating from copper electrical cables. Alternating current does not exist in nature and is an invention of man. The human body operates with direct current (DC) and so, doesn’t understand this alternating current ‘language’. Nevertheless, the entire electrobiological system of humans is superimposed by massively powerful AC fields. This ultimately leads to immense communication problems when it comes to cell repair. By the way, our electrical appliances work almost exclusively with direct current; therefore, each unit has a transformer built in to convert AC to DC.
Wireless transmission technology—the second issue in electronic pollution
Mobile phone technology and wireless technology in general (radio, TV, GSM, WLAN, Wi-Fi, UMTS, LTE, microwave, radar) followed immediately after the electrification of our homes and now control our lives completely. The main problem in this context is that the frequencies used are in the biologically relevant high-frequency (HF) range. Simply put, at these frequencies the body lacks the ability to identify and to decide whether this is ‘good or bad for me’; it therefore cannot protect itself. With mobile phones, typically the 2.4 GHz band is used. That’s 2.4 billion cycles per second—2.4 billion small electrified beatings on our cells per second.
The combination of electricity (low frequency) and wireless technology (RF)
The consequences of being exposed to this combination of radiation 24 hours a day causes the electromagnetic tension in the body to increase far beyond what is healthy. Measurements in cities reveal voltages in the body a factor of 40 times higher than is acceptable. Our endocrine glands are especially sensitive to electromagnetic pollution. Studies confirm the negative effect, which is a reduction in melatonin production in the pineal gland. Animal studies have allowed us to draw the conclusion that melatonin is very important for our sleep and also plays a vital role in sexuality. When melatonin is in short supply in humans, the sex drive also leaves much to be desired.
By the way, excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation is now being considered as the main factor for breast cancer in young women.
Tips for the avoidance of electromagnetic pollution
- Request a Geobiological investigation. We have the capability to properly investigate the invisible stressors of a technical nature in your living and sleeping areas. We also provide consultation on verifiable shielding or protection measures to be implemented.
- Turn off the WLAN, Wi-Fi, Cordless telephones/base stations and mobile phones at night.
- If you are using a phone as an alarm clock, put the phone in flight-mode.
- Never charge your phone beside the bed at night.
- Minimise the time you have a mobile phone in your pants pocket or stuck into your bra. If you have to have it on you, make sure to use a shielding pouch.
- Have the power to the electrical circuits that cause radiation exposure in your bedroom throughout the night, cut off automatically by using properly allocated (need an assessment for this) circuit cut-off switches .
- Find out about creating a Faraday cage in the bedroom to keep harmful levels of EMF at bay. It sounds more complex and complicated than it is, but you do need the products with the verifiable performance levels required to ensure an actual solution.
There now exists more compelling evidence than insightful observations alone about the healing process of sick people. That evidence tells us that there is only real progress towards health recovery after the person is protected against electronic pollution.
The beginning of an active libido and fulfilling sexuality
By taking the above two issues 1) Environmental toxins / Environmental hormones and 2) Electrosmog seriously in your daily life, you lay a great foundation for your health. There is a saying: ‘Do your body well, so your soul desires to live in it.’ These words are today more relevant than ever before, as never before have there been so many influences acting on our bodies and therefore, on our health. If your body can feel well again, the chances are very high that your libido will improve, your relationship with your partner will blossom and life in general will return to how it should be.
A small word of wisdom in closing: The human body, with all its muscles and bones, craves movement. Movement significantly stimulates the blood circulation, oxygen transport and cell renewal. Passionate sex is also an ingenious form of sport-like movement.
In summer, fall asleep naked next to your partner—it is healthy, pleasant and may bring on the romance, right?
SEX really is the most wonderful (and healthy) thing in the world!
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